Saturday, August 13, 2011


Today is my birthday.

I'm 30.

But hey...

or so I've heard.


  1. I hope you have an *awesome* birthday!

  2. Hope you are enjoying your 30th!!! And I hope you are enjoying Oregon and your beautiful house and everything!!! Thank you for your words of encouragement about the babies size. I try hard not to complain and I try to remember how badly I wanted this - It just took me by surprise when I had that appointment and at the time my back was hurting so bad that sleeping, walking, anything was making it unbearable. Probably should have avoided writing a post, but then my blog would be a blog of just the good times, so I guess it was good that I recorded it...But anyway, I am feeling great today, no backache or anything - AND it was so encouraging to hear that generally moms don't create babies they can't birth -so than you! OK- sorry, this didn't really belong on your birthday blog post, but I wanted to let you know I appreciated your words. :)


  3. 30 is fabulous!!! Apparently we are supposed to be way more in tune with ourselves and happier in our 30's than we were in our 20's... so I'm saying this decade will rock. :-)
    Hope you had a happy birthday!!!
    -Jessica (change your comment settings so I can be me when I comment! I hate being anonymous!!)

  4. Happy belated birthday! I'm turning 29 tomorrow, and I'm stressing out because it's my last birthday in my 20's. But then I think about it, and I'm kind of ok with leaving my 20's in the dust in a year. Rock being 30! :-)
