From discussing baby nap sleeping to baby night sleeping.
The naps are getting better guys, SO much better.
MOST days he manages a 1-2 hour nap followed by half hour naps for the rest of the day.
But I'll take it because I believe he'll gradually continue to take longer naps and squeeze a few short ones out of the need to rush, as long as I see it improving I'm fine to let it happen on it's own.
Now...on to nighttime sleeping.
Here's my situation:
We co-sleep. I loved co-sleeping when it helped us get more sleep and we both stayed in bed all night without getting up. Even if he fed often it wasn't that disruptive. BUT something has changed recently and more often than not nighttime feedings are followed by a screaming baby who requires a burping, which means...I have to get up out of bed.
If I have to get up out of bed for nighttime nursing then the baby might as well be in his own bed. The ONLY benefit to baby sharing the bed is never getting up in the middle of the night.
Ok, there's the suppressed fertility as well, but I'm not looking for (or holding out hope for) baby to sleep over 5 hours...if I can get a night with more than one 3-hour stretch I would call it a success.
So not only are night nursing sessions not working anymore but Baby Jett also likes to feed EVERY HOUR from about 4-5am onward until he either spits up because he's been eating so much or it's time to get up for the day sometime between 8-9am. No amount of shushing and patting from me will convince him that he wants anything other than MORE MILK MOM! If he doesn't get it we get more crying!
We used to survive the night with NO CRYING whatsoever which was part of why I loved co-sleeping so much. But NOW THERE'S LOTS OF CRYING.
Something isn't working anymore.
One thing I've learned as a mom, if something isn't working and you are resenting it...CHANGE IT!
So something has to change.
So something has to change.
While here in Oregon where we have no crib Dom has started taking baby downstairs to sleep with him on the couch from about 6-7am onward because BABY DOESN'T NEED TO EAT EVERY HOUR and what do you know, when baby isn't next to me he sleeps just fine and doesn't wake up to eat.
So, NEW GOAL for 2013 is get baby to sleep in his crib for at least part of the night.
Here's where I need some help...
I've tried to start this several times. I want to put the baby down in his own bed to start the night and then bring him into bed with me after his first nighttime feeding, keep him there through the 2nd feeding and then stick him back in his own bed again after the 2nd feeding with the hope that if he's not next to mama he won't keep waking up thinking he's hungry because 2 feedings at night should be plenty. And OMG what if we had 3 hours between each feeding?! Or dare I dream for more?!
But BABY WILL NOT STAY DOWN at the beginning of the night until mama is in bed with him. I've tried moving his bedtime earlier and I've tried moving his bedtime later trying to figure out if he just wasn't ready for bed yet or if he was overtired etc etc. But no matter when I try to put him down he will continue to wake up every 15-30 minutes until I finally give up and take him to bed with me and lay down next to him. Often it doesn't even require anything more than that, no extra nursing or cuddling there's just something about mama being in the bed with him that finally settles him.
I both love and hate this at the same time.
I love the silent still sleeping baby next to me when I go to sleep.
I hate that I don't have any evening time to myself, or with my husband, because he needs constant attention until I go to bed. I am starting to resent this part thus...time to change it.
To add insult to injury he's also not improving the night time feeds.
Last night I don't think I even had a 2 hour stretch.
So, somebody help me!
How do I get my baby to fall asleep and stay asleep NOT in bed with me?!?!?!
We have a bedtime routine that starts after his last cat nap of the day. We take a bath, we put jammies on, we have a little play time to get any extra energy out, we read a book or two, we nurse and then we wait for signs of tiredness, yawns, rubbing eyes or fussiness and then we put him down.
What we get is a baby who thinks this is just another nap and we're back in the bedroom trying to get him back to sleep after half an hour.
Things we've tried to get him to stay asleep:
Daddy putting baby to bed.
Mama nursing him to sleep in the big bed and then sneaking away.
No swaddling.
Belly sleeping both in crib and in the big bed.
Bedtime anywhere between 7 and 10pm.
I need help. What do you guys do to get your baby to fall asleep at night? And how do you get them to STAY ASLEEP???
I should add, Baby Jett is right around the 4 month sleep regression age if you adjust his age from his early arrival. He also has just learned how to roll from his back to his belly. I know that 4 months sucks for baby sleeping and I know that new skills can disrupt sleep, PERHAPS that is all this is and next week he will go back to normal nighttime sleeping or maybe next week he will go down in his crib. Either way I'd love baby sleep solutions anyway!
We have a bedtime routine that starts after his last cat nap of the day. We take a bath, we put jammies on, we have a little play time to get any extra energy out, we read a book or two, we nurse and then we wait for signs of tiredness, yawns, rubbing eyes or fussiness and then we put him down.
What we get is a baby who thinks this is just another nap and we're back in the bedroom trying to get him back to sleep after half an hour.
Things we've tried to get him to stay asleep:
Daddy putting baby to bed.
Mama nursing him to sleep in the big bed and then sneaking away.
No swaddling.
Belly sleeping both in crib and in the big bed.
Bedtime anywhere between 7 and 10pm.
I need help. What do you guys do to get your baby to fall asleep at night? And how do you get them to STAY ASLEEP???
I should add, Baby Jett is right around the 4 month sleep regression age if you adjust his age from his early arrival. He also has just learned how to roll from his back to his belly. I know that 4 months sucks for baby sleeping and I know that new skills can disrupt sleep, PERHAPS that is all this is and next week he will go back to normal nighttime sleeping or maybe next week he will go down in his crib. Either way I'd love baby sleep solutions anyway!