Well...I'm not pregnant.
Aunt Flow turned up just 12 days after I ovulated resulting in a 44 day Cycle, which is better than 48 days but means that my luteal phase is now only 11 days long.
It used to be 15...that's quite a change.
Anyone else have significantly different luteal phase post baby?
I know 11 days is still long enough to achieve a pregnancy, but...barely. I think 10 is the minimum.
I must admit I was really REALLY hoping I was pregnant and I may have peed on like 17 different pregnancy tests starting at like 7 DPO. Crazy right? I peed on one and that was it, I couldn't stop.
I just couldn't help myself, it has been SO long since I peed on a pregnancy stick.
Luckily the stark white negative was not nearly as crushing as it used to be.
But still...wouldn't that have been nice and so EASY to not have to wait 30 more days FROM NOW just to ovulate?!
Have I mentioned how much I hate these long cycles.
At least I ovulated.
Bright side people, bright side.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've only got a few chances at this the old fashioned way before the oves get all cysty and useless again.
So, one cycle down...wish me luck that cycle 2 is the lucky one!!!
And in other news this little cutie has definitely hit his language explosion.
He says mama and papa correctly and ALL THE TIME now...so cute. He also says milk when he wants milk instead of just using the sign, again...so cute. He repeats almost anything we say and is adding to his vocabulary daily.
LOVE this age. Can they just stay 20 months forever?