We leave Australia today.
I'm excited.
So, without further ado, let's see if I can finish up our last trip before we leave the country.
Where were we? Oh yes, koalas!
Cute, no?
So, after the excitement of the koalas we discovered 2 things.
One, all the hotels/B&B's along the Great Ocean Road are BUSY during the summer and as I said we didn't plan this trip out very well. We just planned on stopping somewhere along the way, wherever we made it to by nightfall...yeah, so that was a stupid plan. If you're ever driving along the Great Ocean Road in the summer, don't do this. Go ahead and book something!
Which leads me to...
Two, we were about to lose the sun and we were very near the
Twelve Apostles, if we didn't hurry we were going to miss them altogether and have to double back in the morning from wherever we ended up staying...which was a big unknown and could involve a drive of hundreds of kilometers looking for somewhere that wasn't booked.
If you've never heard of the Twelve Apostles it's probably because you don't live in Australia.
In a nutshell the Twelve Apostles are pretty rocks. And there's not 12 anymore, there's only 9, the other 3 have fallen into the ocean. Anyway, they're giant rocks just off the coast that the ocean has created by cutting away at the limestone around them. Is that not the most scientific explanation you've ever heard?
So, anyway (why do I keep writing anyway? anyway, anyway, anyway, clearly I am in need of a thesaurus...anyway), they were kind of the highlight of the roadtrip so if we missed them we would have felt really stupid and while the koalas made the trip the Twelve Apostles were the POINT of the trip and I don't know if even the koalas could have made up for missing them.
Just as the sun was setting...we made it.

Oh Australian signs how I will miss you. Notice the people on the other side of the sign...

As the sun faded into night we then turned our attention to the most important task at hand...finding somewhere to stay the night.
We drove and drove passing NO VACANCY sign after NO VACANCY sign and calling every inn we could find on our phones, with NO luck. Finally some brilliant helpful innkeeper directed us inland ie. get off the coast where everyone wants to stay! So, inland we went and half hour later we found ourselves in a tiny tiny little town with...A HOTEL!!! And coincidentally it was the Thompson Hotel! (now if you don't know what I'm talking about you probably don't live in New York).
Let me tell you about the hotel.
First off, it was $60 a night, which is just awesome.
Second, it was dormitory style with a communal bathroom, which normally I hate, but it was 11pm, we were exhausted AND the girl bathroom had a bathtub and looked like a real bathroom, rather than the boy bathroom that just had shower stalls.
Third, we had to sleep in 2 separate twin beds, which is just...funny.
All in all it saved us from having to drive 4 hours back to Melbourne just to start all over again the next morning, so we happily slept in our twin beds and showered in the communal showers and woke up happy and well rested the next morning.
And then... to be continued unfortunately on the other side of the world.
T-minus 6 hours until we leave Oz!!!