A trip to Singapore in pictures.
Day 1
The pool (also known as the place where I spent Day 1 of my trip to Singapore)
The way to the beach (beaches are really not that nice in Singapore, they are lined with oil riggers just offshore...not pretty)
Day 2
It rained
Day 3
Finally leaving the hotel, out and about in Little India
Fish head curry. Sounds disgusting..and looks disgusting, but it's delicious!
Raffles Hotel...birth place of the infamous Singapore Sling cocktail

Long Bar in the Raffles Hotel, you get to throw peanuts on the floor...always a good time
The Singapore Sling (not my cup of tea, tastes like cough syrup)
Day 4
It rained again, but not like Day 2 so with umbrellas in hand we ventured out again.
On the subway =)
Cable car ride from Sentosa Island
Soooo much construction going on in Singapore
The Merlion (Yes that's Mermaid-Lion)
A view of more construction and the ocean, see all the oil tankers out there!
We spent the majority of our time in Singapore eating...I had more curry in 4 days than I've had in the last 2 months. It was all tasty and delicious, Singapore has fabulous food.
And then we came home.
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