Doing everything one last time. That means one more Broadway show! This past Sunday we decided we'd hit up Broadway one final time...well final time whilst living here anyway, I can hardly say this will be our last Broadway show ever. Anyway, while watching the Today show last week I saw a commercial for West Side Story on Broadway and thought to myself, "Perfect! I've always wanted to see that!" Except I had no idea what it was about! Insert sheepish look here. But I convinced the hubs that I knew what it was about and had always wanted to see it, so he agreed to take me for the Sunday matinee.
I went into this knowing this much...two gangs and dancing in the streets of New York.
I did NOT know that this was a Romeo and Juliet type of story.
I did NOT know that half of it would be in Spanish, because one gang is Puerto Rican after all.
I did NOT know that this is where "I feel Pretty" originated from.
I did NOT realize how gay dance fighting really looks, in fact I don't think it HAS to look gay, but it looked really gay in this particular show. And really now that I'm thinking about it, it definitely does NOT have to look gay, think Michael Jackson's Beat It video.
Ok, it's a little gay, but not this gay, West Side Story.
I was excited going into it.

But decidedly disappointed coming out of it. And felt slightly guilty for dragging Dom to it. But just slightly.
I usually love musicals, so my disappointment was mystifying even to myself, what was I expecting?
Rent? Amazing!
Wicked? Amazing!
Beauty and the Beast? Amazing
Spamalot? Amazing!
Cabaret? Amazing!
Yes, I was expecting it to be like any one of these amazing Broadway shows, and it was not!
Anyone else ever seen West Side Story, anyone love it?